My Postcard to Belgium - 2014 OCT

I sent a postcard to Lotty from Belgium. Lotty collects UNESCO postcards.
This postcard shows the clock tower in Hiraizumi, a UNESCO site in northeast Japan.

Hiraizumi is built as a "pure land" in the Buddhist classics by the Fujiwara in Oshu around the 11th to 12th century. Fujiwara had been the most influential clan in the Japanese court since 645 and its subdivision made Hiraizumi a political centre to monitor the "barbarian" in northeast.

There were a lot of Buddhist architectures in Hiraizumi but only a few remain to be existed today. This clock tower is located inside Chusonji (中尊寺).

Visit my blog for my visit to Hiraizumi
Visit the official UNESCO site of Hiraizumi

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