My Postcard to Indonesia (2015 Jul)

I sent a postcard showing the flower market in Hong Kong to Shinta, an Indonesia girl who collects postcards of markets, in July 2015.

This is a vintage reprint postcard; to be actual, a photograph-made postcard.
Wyndham Street, looking from Queen's Road. Probably around the early 20th century.

The vicinity of Wyndham Street was the "high-class" brothel area, where one could find only European but no Chinese girls. Visitors used to bring along with a bunch of flower; therefore, there was a flower market there.

Not far from Wyndham Street is Lyndhurst Terrace; its Chinese name, 擺花街 or "flower arranging street", also tells the presence of a flower market in the past.

Wyndham Street, c.1930-1940, still a flower market.

Today's Wyndham Street. 

Visit Shinta's website for her enormous collection of market postcards.

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